10 Things To Do When You Feel Nothing

1. Nurture

Do something that will better you today, even if it doesn't fix anything. Walk, eat, dance, listen to music, take a shower, meditate, stretch, read, laugh, dream.

"I take care of myself."

2. Smile

Gently lift the corners of your mouth into even the smallest smile. What memory comes to the surface?

"I have not always felt this way."

3. Inspiration

Find inspiration. An idea that's interesting. A person who resembles who you want to be. A movement that resonates with you. A practice that is admirable.

"There is more beyond this."

4. Connect

Feel connected to someone. Visit, phone, video call someone with whom you have a supportive relationship or would like to have a supportive relationship with.

"I am loved."

5. Create

Make something. Anything. Color in a coloring book, throw paint at a wall, cook something, experiment with digital art, write a poem, sing, doodle, knit, cut a shirt into a tank top, play around on an instrument, make a beat.

"My creativity is transformative."

6. Fun

Do things that are fun daily. If nothing feels fun, do things that used to be fun or things that you want to be fun again.

"I enjoy my life."

7. No/Yes

Say "no" more often to things you don't care about, as you are able to. Say "yes" more often to things you do care about, as you are able to.

"I have control."

8. Support

Get support. Find a therapist or a support group. Find someone you feel comfortable with and is equipped to support you.

"I am not alone."

9. Release

Release whatever emotions come up as you start to feel again. Scream/punch into a pillow, squeeze something, cry, breathe deeply, jump up and down, head bang to a jam, sing like you're the lead, write into a journal, grin ear to ear, experience gratitude in the moment by verbalizing out loud.

"I am not my feelings, they ebb and flow through me."

10. Ask

Ask the Universe, God, your ancestors, Spirit, your Something Greater for guidance, presence, or whatever you wish to ask.

"I am supported."

If you are struggling with anxiety or depression and are looking for support, schedule a consultation with me, I would love to come alongside you right where you are.


5 Myths About Grief & Loss (Part 1)