Seattle Women’s Grief and Loss Support Group


Are you struggling to cope with the death of a loved one?

Maybe you’re in survival mode: fighting just to stay above water day to day, or perhaps you feel like you don’t recognize yourself: more angry, less motivated, or experiencing emotions that feel completely foreign. Your grief may be so overwhelming that you don’t even know what you feel. You may be wondering how life will ever feel normal again.

This grief and loss support group is not about fixing you or fixing your grief; grief cannot be fixed or solved. This grief and loss support group is a safe space to learn more about grief, talk about your experience, and connect with other women who get it.

This grief and loss support group will help you:

  • process your grief and tend to the physical and emotional effects so that you can continue to nurture yourself.

  • connect and be supported by other women who have also experienced the death of a loved one.

  • find ways to remain connected to your person and honor them as you move forward in your life.


Time doesn’t heal, connection does.

Online Grief & Loss Support Group for Women

  • What

    Conversational support group for women who have experienced the death of a loved one.

    Non-structured, no worksheets, no homework.

    Designed for all members to talk, share, express, and support each other.

  • When

    Starting October 2, 2024

    Meeting every Wednesday from 12pm - 1pm

    This is an ongoing group with no current end date. You may stay in group for as long as you’d like and you may leave group whenever you’d like.

  • Cost

    $250 for 50-minute pre-group intake

    $100 per week, charged in full for the month on the 1st of each month.

    Group fees are not eligible for insurance reimbursement.

  • Sign Up

    Schedule a consultation with me to make sure the group is a good fit for you. Next, you will have a 50-minute pre-group intake session with me so we can get to know each other better. Once group starts, you will receive an email with the link to join our online meeting room.


What others have wondered about Seattle women’s grief and loss support group

  • This is an online group. We will meet through a secure, HIPAA compliant video platform.

  • This is a closed group with a max of 5 women. Because this is an ongoing group, a new member will be added any time a member moves on from our group.

  • The maximum number of members at a time is 5.

  • Click here to schedule a consultation.

    I offer this consultation to answer any of your questions and make sure the group is a good fit for you.


You don’t have to grieve alone.

This group is designed to support you.