Anxiety & Depression Therapy for Teens in Seattle


Is everything in your life overwhelming?

Maybe panic attacks are becoming normal for you, or perhaps your friends and parents are noticing that you haven’t been yourself. You may be struggling to just get through the day or maybe even not getting out of bed at all. You might be feeling like something’s wrong with you, like everyone has it together but you.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every part of your life:

  • Struggling to stay focused and productive at school

  • Not wanting to hang out with friends or feeling alone when you’re around others

  • Feeling so sad, overwhelmed, or exhausted that there’s no room to spend on activities, interests, or hobbies that you care about


Life can feel different than the way it does today.

It may feel impossible now, but you can gain control over your emotions. You can feel confident in yourself. You can create a life you no longer want to escape from. And I can help you get there.

Ojala Alliance | Seattle | Online | WA

Therapy with me is a place for you to feel seen and understood. Together, we build on your strengths, go deeper into understanding what you're experiencing now, and actively work towards the changes you're hoping for. I’ll help through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to working with teens comes from a place of compassion and hope: believing that you are not the problem, and that you have everything within you to be who you want to be and to live the life you want to live.

I really enjoy working with teens through creativity. Each week you can bring a piece of art you’re working on: a song, a poem, a story, a painting, whatever you express yourself through. We will talk about your art to better understand your experiences, how they have affected you, and how they inform who you want to be. If you don’t consider yourself creative, that’s okay! We will work together to create a session structure and rhythm that works for you.

Therapy for anxiety and depression can help you:

  • understand yourself better and why you’re feeling what you’re feeling.

  • learn practical skills for reducing anxiety and depression and better regulate your emotions.

  • communicate effectively and feel more confident in yourself.

  • take better care of yourself and feel more equipped to handle difficult situations and navigate life's ups and downs.


What others have wondered about therapy for teens in Seattle

  • During our first session, I will mainly just want to get to know you. We will also create your goals and get detailed about the changes you’re hoping for. After that, what we spend our time on each session is up to you. Some sessions you may want to focus on a particular experience over the last week, or a certain issue or goal.

  • As short or as long as you’d like to be. I can’t put a time frame on how long it may take to reach your goals, it’s different for everyone. But it is important that you are noticing changes along the way and if you’re not, we will take a compassionate and closer look at what might be getting in the way.

  • 1) Click here to schedule a consultation. I will ask you some questions and you can ask me any questions to see if we'd be a good fit for working together. If we are, great! We’ll schedule your first session.

    If not, no problem. I’ll refer you to another talented therapist in my network who can help.

    2) I’ll email you a link to your Client Portal where you can complete the intake paperwork before your first session.

    3) A few minutes before the start of your session, simply click the link in your reminder email or through your Client Portal. It will ask you to "check in" with your name and to enable video and microphone access. I will greet you shortly after.

More questions? Check out my FAQs page.

Thereapy Near Me | Seattle | Online | WA | Angel Thomson LMFTA


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